Friday, April 1, 2011

Reflection on Slice of Life Story Challenge

I felt a great deal of accomplishment yesterday as I posted my 31 SOLS. It was a good experience that made me reflect on the experience my students go though. Some days I was eager to write, I felt I had a story to tell. Some days it felt like something I had to do (even though it was an assignment I gave myself). There were days that I was casting about looking for anything to write about and days that I felt I didn't have anything to say or that I'd be able to say it as well as other people were. There were days I just had to put my thoughts out there and not worry about it.

But most importantly, I wrote.


  1. It was always good to hear your words, Natalee. Happy writing!

  2. "I felt I didn't have anything to say or that I'd be able to say it as well as other people were." I often shared this fear, and yet we did it. Here's to a month of growing as writers!

  3. Yes, most importantly you wrote! I'm glad. :)

  4. Yay writing every day. That is the accomplishment!

  5. Your line about casting about really hit home. There were some days I really felt sort of desperate for a topic. Funny now but not then. :)
