Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Slice of Life April 13, 2010

I feel like my mind is scattered in little pieces all over the floor right now. I'm trying to apply to schools in Maine in hopes of a new job and relocation. I'm trying to be 100% in my current job. We just started a new term. Parent Conferences are tomorrow afternoon ( I teach all morning and conference all afternoon. Yikes!) Today is my husband's b-day and I cooked him one of his favorite dinners. I tried to spend some time with him; but had last minute grading things to do to prepare for the conferences, so I've been in my office all evening. Several of my co-workers are in the middle of health issues with their children and are having to miss a lot of school. This includes my teammate. I still don't have grades for two of my students from her, but she's been out/busy with a sick child. Next week is spring vacation.

Deep Breath.

In. Out.

Small moments from today:

I had fun with my 7th graders this morning. We're working on compare and contrast essays and are doing poems at the same time to take the stress out of the essay writing. Today we wrote poems for two and three voices. Some VERY cleaver poems were produced!

I have 8th grade boys asking me for books to read! It makes me grin every time and it also makes me wish I had unlimited funds, unlimited shelf space, and immediate access to a book store!

Several of my 8th graders who are usually hard pressed to keep up with assigned reading read ahead in our current class novel: Lord of the Flies and are coming in talking about the story and asking each other where they are in the reading.

While watching our backyard bird feeder at home this afternoon, John and I saw the male cardinal again. We haven't seen the cardinals for a while. We also saw a new bird: a rufous-sided towhee. Very cool!

Now that I've finished writing this, I feel much less scattered. I love how writing helps to focus my mind and help me feel much more centered!


  1. What a beautiful post! So eloquently written! My brain scatters don't seem to come out so beautifully organized! I love, though, the connection I could make to how important it is to hold tightly to the small moments that make our work with the scattering it causes in our lives. :)

  2. Gee Natalee, I've just read through all of your posts from the last year...and I wonder...Do you like books??? Do you LIKE books??? Or do you L.O.V.E books????? :) hehe Anyway...Bravo! Hooray! and Congrats! on all you've achieved with the infamous??? :) eighth grade boys!! :)
    PS You are a writer extraordinaire!
